24*7 Blood Bank
GMCCC&R Society blood bank is one of its kind in the whole of Kheda district. The facilities that makes it to stand apart from other blood banks in the district, are the availability components facility and 24hrs blood supply. Whole blood usage is obsolete in modern medicines since 1980’s. Blood is best used when separated into its components, namely – red cells, plasma, platelets and cryoprecipitate. By the application of blood components therapy, one unit of blood can save upto four patients. Whereas, in whole blood therapy this is not the case. The backbone of our facility is our ‘Voluntary Blood Donors’. The blood bank conducts motivational talk and educational campaigns in various places of the district. As a consequence of such activities, our pool of motivated voluntary blood donors approach of our blood bank round the clock for the noble cause of saving lives. The blood bank has a turn over close to 8000 units each year. This blood bank has been benefiting a population of approx. 1,71,84,116 over a geographic area of 4,219 sq km (Kheda district) and especially poor patients who cannot afford the additional cost of travel to other places to procure blood. 93% of our components are issued to outside patients, despite of being a hospital attached blood bank. The blood bank is equipped with dedicated team of transfusion officer, medical officers, NACO trained technicians, social workers and administrative staffs in accordance with national guidelines. Our quality control is stringent and we strictly adhere to national blood transfusion guidelines. Our External Quality Assurance programme is with CMC Vellore, Tamilnadu as well as with BJ Medical College, Gujarat.
Facility available in our Blood Bank (24 x 7 open for service):
- Red Blood Cells in additive solution (PCV)
- Platelet concentrate-Random Donor Platelets
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
- Leucoreduced Red Cells
- Saline washed Red cells(on request)
- Paediatric Unit-RBC/FFP
- Whole Blood
We support Thalassemia patients, Sickle cell patients, and Hemophiliac patients by supplying free of cost components. Unaffordable patients referred from civil hospital provided free of cost. The blood bank provides at subsidiary rates for patients coming from Anath Ashram and for other unaffordable patients decided by the clinicians. Following the blood’s journey from donation to processing to transfusion and available to unaffordable all the time would makes this noblest of act an enriching experience for every donor and the blood bank.